Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Great 32 mile on Saturday!

The weather was perfect ..... no wind, not too hot and the sun came out!
This ride took me along Route 1 along the Coast and what a wonderful coastline we have in the North East. I took many photographs along the way as I was overwhelmed with the lovely scenery. You miss all this when driving a car ..... cycling is a thrilling way to see the countryside you would not usually see.
This weekend coming 1-3 May, is the Melrose in Scotland to Whitley Bay cycle ride with friends. This will be a good test of my strength and endurance ready for the big one in July. We are proposing to cycle approximately 40 miles a day for three days. I'll report on the ride next week ...

Monday, 12 April 2010

Saturday's ride was more like an obstacle course!

After a long cold winter, it was great to appreciate a warmer spring day. My son Stuart accompanied me on a 15.9mile cycle ride from Barmoor Castle in Lowick. The route did not quite go according to plan and we ended up riding across fields and lifting the bikes over stiles. It was more like an upper body workout!

Stuart was amazed at my fitness level. It has clearly improved since my last charity cycle ride. My next focus is on the Melrose in the Scottish Borders to Whitley Bay in North Tyneside cycle ride at the beginning of May ..... only a few weeks away now!